Tap tap tapping away

I’ve been a bit lax over the last couple of weeks. I’m in the process of typing up the first draft of my second book. I suppose that’s the downside of hand written manuscripts because when you’ve finished you then have to type up the ninety thousand (or thereabouts) words.

Not that I’m complaining, but it does take time, so for that reason I haven’t done any ambulance stories, or for that matter much else in the way of social media. I have come to the conclusion that what time I have might well be best spent tapping away at the keyboard.

And then the real fun will begin. Editing.

The title has been a little bit of a problem as it started out as Policeman’s Progress, but there is already a book out there of the same name – a bit inconvenient. So, time to wrack my brain and come up with another idea.

Google helps, but you get into flights of fancy as you maniacally tap away trying to come up with something new and fresh. You find that as soon as you think of one title and enter it into the bar another one flashes into your mind, but then you realise that that too has been taken and before long you’re just randomly typing out words in the hope that you find inspiration. I’ve been doing that, but now I think I might stop because I’m getting to screaming pitch.

The title of my new book?

I haven’t decided yet, but the story is about the Yard, the centre of crime detection in Gornstock and what happens when…….Oh, I can’t tell you that yet, well not all of it; but I will tell you this – Gornstock Police have changed, they have moved forward and are now embracing modern thinking. The Commander has decided that the Police must move with the times, push forward with new ideas, rethink their structure – but not everybody likes it.

It is a standalone book, but if you’ve read my first, Banker’s Draft then you’ll know what to expect.

Anyway, back to tapping away!

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